Tokyo Community Radio Presents Monthly Program: July Eden Burns, Licaxxx
Stream from 20:00 (JST)
Live on TCR Youtube channel.
This broadcast is open to the public.
at CARBON, Shibuya
Address: 〒150-0043 東京都渋谷区道玄坂1-19-10 J1 BLD 2F

Eden Burns
Eden Burns is a DJ and producer hailing from the deep south of Aotearoa/New Zealand. As a teenager, he connected with the world of dance music via scuffed tech-house records in dollar bins and a DVD rip of Paris Is Burning. Drawing on these inspirations, his early productions hit a sweet spot between wide-eyed weirdness and club-ready maximalism. He was quickly released on Feel My Bicep and Cold Tonic, and began an upward trajectory from the Taieri Plains to clubs and stages worldwide. Now trading under his own name, Eden’s vividly colourful productions have been recently released via Sensible Seelen, Optimo Music, and Beats In Space. In recent years, Eden has also linked up with Public Possession, a crew of Munich upstarts who are actually able to keep up with his relentless and diverse discography. This includes the first edition of the Big Beat Manifesto series, which has gained support from Discogs sharks, Solomun, Jennifer Cardini, Jamie Tiller, Huge DJ Party Alerts, Gerd Janson and more. Much like his productions, Eden’s DJ sets are reverent and wildly fun, the product of an innately curious talent. Whether in the booth at Rinse FM or NTS, or in front of crowds in London, Dunedin, or Japan, Eden has a habit of weaving sets that are rich and unpredictable, interspersing phases of driving momentum with joyful curveballs and blissful reveries — moments that feel like turning the corner on a precipice and suddenly seeing ocean.

2016年にBoiler Room Tokyoに出演した際の動画は50万回以上再生されており、『Fuji Rock』など多数の日本国内の大型音楽フェスや、『CIRCOLOCO@DC10』などヨーロッパを代表するクラブイベントに出演。日本国内ではPeggy Gou、Randomer、Mall Grab、DJ HAUS、Anthony Naples、Max Greaf、Lapaluxらの来日をサポートし、共演している。
さらに、NTS RadioやRince Franceなどのローカルなラジオにミックスを提供するなど幅広い活動を行っている。
さらにGilles Petersonにインスパイアされたビデオストリームラジオ「Tokyo Community Radio」の主宰。若い才能に焦点を当て、日本のローカルDJのレギュラー放送に加え、東京を訪れた世界中のローカルDJとの交流の場を目指している。
また、アンビエントを基本としたファッションショーの音楽などを多数制作しており、近年ではChika Kisadaのミラノコレクションに使用されている。
Licaxxx is a Tokyo based DJ, music producer, editor and radio personality.
Making her DJ debut in 2010, she mainly focuses on machine techno and house to manipulate the tension of the dance floor.
She appeared in Boiler Room Tokyo in 2016. The video of her performance has been played about 400,000 times. Other appearances include Fuji Rock, one of the most prominent and long lasting festivals in Japan. She has also played at European club events such as CIRCOLOCO@DC10 , and provided mixes for NTS Radio and Rince France. DJs she performed along side with include Peggy Gou, Randomer, Mall Grab, DJ House, Anthony Naples, Max Greaf and Lapalux.
Licaxxx is the organizer of ”Tokyo Community Radio”, a pirate video stream radio inspired by Gilles Peterson, where local DJs have shows regularly. While focusing on young talent, one of the goals of TCR is to become a place of interaction between foreign talent and local DJs.
Licaxxx produces ambient music which has been used in shows of fashion brands Chika Kasai for their Milano collection and dressedundressed for their Tokyo Collection.