Tokyo Community Radio Presents Official HP Launch SP w/ Atsuki, k_yam, tropi
Stream: 17:00 – 20:00 (JST)
17:00 // Atsuki
18:00 // tropi
19:00 // k_yam
Live on TCR Youtube channel
We are returning to Streamland almost a year after our last streaming with a new homepage.
The experience of the Corona disaster has made the residents more united, and TCR is reaffirming the importance of local and meaningful community building. We’ll welcome new residents, we’ll increase the variety of our content and we’ll join hands with companies that actively back the club scene.

今までに様々なパーティのオーガナイズやレジデントを経験し、2018年7月からはMachiko主宰のパーティ『STREET SMART』のオーガナイズをサポートしている。

日の出町DUBの『太郎』や、渋谷KOARAの『RELEASE』のレギュラーを経て、現在はHisashi、taitaiと『dubby dubby』を都内各所で不定期開催中。

Active in Tokyo as a DJ, organizer, and track maker, mainly in Shibuya KOARA. In 2012, he organized CONVULSED with Baryta and Mincer. Organized “REMEDY” since 2014. “REMEDY” is still being held at Shibuya KOARA on the 4th Sunday of even-numbered months.